
Calvin Klein Gives Kim Kardashian Advice On Post-Baby Fashion

We got to catch up with the fashion mogul and we were surprised to hear what he had to say about the new mom!

Calvin Klein, 70, knows what looks good on people — but he’s not going to tell them! We caught up with the designer at a screening for Blackfish on June 20 in NYC at the MoMA, where we asked the designer for his advice on what Kim Kardashian‘s post-baby style should look like. While we expected him to rattle off fantastic style tips his answer actually caught us by surprise!

Calvin Klein Kim Kardashian Advice:

Calvin actually has no opinion at all on what Kim should wear. He’s confident that the new mom can style herself just fine! “I never tell anyone what they should wear,” he says. “She knows what’s good for her.”
If the reality star was looking for a fashion hand-out it certainly doesn’t seem like she’s going to get it here! It looks like Kim will just have to figure it out for herself, but at least she’s got Klein’s confidence behind her to fuel her choices.
Although he doesn’t have much to say on post-baby fashion, he did gush about the importance of the film he was on hand to view. “It’s important because my friends are all involved with this event. The Beards’ [Peter & Nejma Beard], David Siegel, I mean everyone. As I was saying earlier, I care about wildlife. I was just sharing about my trip to Africa. You get to respect nature, and in a way that you just don’t experience it growing up in New York City,” he said.
Are you surprised that Calvin didn’t quickly offer up advice for Kim or do you think it’s really cool that he trusts her to figure it out?

