
How I Became a Fashion Designer

Every girl dreams about fashion. Some of us dream of being a fashion designer. I never thought I would get to live out this dream. I, for one, never thought all of those sketches I did when I was growing up would ever turn into a reality.
I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer ever since I was a little girl. My mom would buy me the cutest dresses, and they'd give me ideas to draw more dresses that I would like to wear. When I sit back and think about the last year and everything that has happened I still have to spend a second letting it all sink in. It hasn't been without hard work. With the launch of the new line has come responsibility. There have been a lot of appointments, interviews and call times, but I am learning and growing so much. My ultimate goals as a designer are to inspire other aspiring designers no matter their age, and for every person to want and actually be able to wear one piece from my line. While I am working toward this I just happen to be having the time of my life.



Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to be on The Today Show with Rachel Roy. I was a bit nervous at first, but I love what I do so much that once I started talking about my designs and my work all the nervousness went away. More than anything I was excited that I was able to share what I love with such a wide audience. Everything I create and share comes from different sources of inspiration. Travel is my number one source of inspiration. Every place I go to I am sure to find a good place to buy fabrics. One specific example of inspiration came from this real lavender gelato I had in France last summer. It was the prettiest color and tasted so different. It inspired me to create the pink silk bustier. Travel is something I could never live without, but I can't decide what my favorite city so far. In London I love the shopping, culture, and especially Harrod's. I also love riding horses through Hyde Park! In France, I find the coolest fabrics and styles. I have a passion for French cuisine, as well as the language! I haven't been to Japan yet. I really want to go there because their fashion is so fun and unique.

While all of this fashion and travel is exciting, at the end of the day I have to remember what is important to me and that will usually land me right back at the dinner table with my nose in a book. My grades are very important to me and I know that my education is what will drive me to be successful in everything else I do. Sometimes it is exhausting to get all of this fit into a day, but most days I am still able to get it all done and go to bed with a smile on my face. I think the secret to it all is to find love in everything you do. I know that everything I do, from picking out fabric for a jacket lining to making flashcards for American History, is just another step on my path to being right where I want to be. So far, all of these steps have added up to quite the adventure. I have a feeling it is only going to get better and I hope you will join me for the journey!

